
SENSES Week, June 17th-21st

This week, our summer camp theme is all about Senses and Bodies! Want a fun way to remember your little one at this size forever? Keep on reading for daily activities to do with your kiddos this week.

Want more activities to do with your kids this summer? Check out our full class schedule here. New to FIT4MOM? Sign up for a free class here.

Supplies needed:

  • Butcher paper

  • Markers or crayons

  • Sweet foods

  • Salty foods

  • Sour foods

  • Empty tissue box

  • Various items that will fit in a tissue box

  • Rice

  • Vinegar

  • Food coloring

  • Zip lock bags

  • Wax paper

  • Large bin

  • Muffin tin

  • Magenitiles or sticky notes

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  1. Grab some butcher paper, markers or crayons and your kiddo

  2. Roll out butcher paper on the ground and have you kiddo lay on it while you trace them

  3. Help your kiddo color their tracing to look like them! For toddlers, you can point and quiz on the name of their body parts from their head to their toes!


TUESDAY SCIENCE: Senses Experiment

    1. Combine 1 cup dry white rice with 1 teaspoon white vinegar and a few drops of food coloring in a large zip lock bag, seal the bag

    2. Shake, shake, shake the bag until all the rice is colored. This can be a fun step to have older children help with

    3. Lay it out on wax paper to dry for a few hours

    4. Repeat steps 1-3 with any color you would like

    5. Once all the rice is dry, dump it in a large bin with cups and scoops. Talk about how it feels, looks, smells and sounds while playing

    6. Once you’re done playing, save the rice to play with again and again. Rainbow rice can last for years!

    *Pro tip- before allowing children to play with the sensory bin set the boundaries. Tell children “rice stays in the bin” and “if the rice is outside the bin that tells me you are all done playing”. Make sure to follow through on these boundaries. If the children aren’t keeping the rice in the bin, take a break and reestablish the rules. Expect that some rice will spill, but don't let it get out of control. Keep an extra close eye on little ones who may try to eat the rice. You can do it mama!

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    1. Gather up some sweet, salty and sour foods

    2. Put one food in each space of a muffin tin

    3. Cover tops with Magenitiles or sticky notes

    4. Children can open one section at a time and taste each food

    5. Talk about how it looks, smells and tastes

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    THURSDAY: Sensory Books

    1. Eyes, Nose, Belly, Toes: My First Human Body Book by: Krupa Bhojani Playforth and Becky Paige
    2. Every Body: A First Conversation About Bodies by: Megan Maddison and Jessica Ralli
    3. I Hear a Pickle: and Smell, See, Touch, & Taste It, Too! by: Rachel Isadora
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    FRIDAY ACTIVITY: What's In the Box

      1. Grab an empty tissue bow or any box you can cut a small hole in

      2. Find items from around the house

      3. Mom places an item inside the box while child closes eyes

      4. Without looking child reaches inside the box and feels item

      5. Guess what it is

      6. Repeat as many times as you would like

      7. Talk about how the things feel to the touch


    Next week sneak peak...
