

10 things you might not know about our Stroller Strides classes:

1. You don’t need a jogging stroller - any stroller that your child can safely ride in works perfect! Wagons that kiddos can be secured in are welcome too. You bring what works best for you and your kiddo(s)

2. No fitness experience necessary! - We meet you at your level. In our Stroller Strides classes we give you options and different kinds of variations of exercises. You honor your body and what you feel comfortable with that day.

3. We sing to our babies, blow bubbles, tickle, and play peek a boo. - That’s right, you never knew getting a workout could be so much fun! And guess what? Those kiddos are watching YOU show them that workout out doesn’t have to be a chore. You have fun and they have fun. We call that a win win.

4. You can come solo - Grandma wants to watch the baby on Friday? Dads home for the week? You can 100% come solo and get a workout in! In fact, we have several mamas that do it on the regular.

5. You can come pregnant - and we encourage it! There are SO many benefits of exercising while pregnant. Stroller Strides is for PRE and POST natal mamas, and exercise during pregnancy is just as important as exercise after baby. Our instructors are all certified in pre and post-natal fitness, so if there’s a move you’re not sure about, we’re here to give you some modifications for that amazing growing belly of yours!

6. You can baby wear - and you’ll still get a great workout! FIT4MOM has teamed up with baby Tula and we have all the exercise moves for you wearing that baby!

7. You can stop to nurse/feed baby ANYTIME during class - and will probably not be alone! Lots of our mamas are nursing mamas, and we totally get when baby is hungry, they need to eat!

8. We will hold your baby if he/she gets fussy so you get your workout in - IF mama is comfortable with us doing so! We LOVE getting to snuggle all those sweet babes. We are there to help you get that workout in!

9. All of our stroller classes are followed by playtime - We play after each and every class! Those with babies too young to play often stick around to chat. We host a playgroup once a week with a different craft or activity each week!

10. We have class six days a week! - We offer kiddo friendly classes Monday-Friday, we hold a child-free class each Saturday!

Your first class is FREE, come try it out today!